New True Pro Rate Membership Offer
Join anytime of the year and pay $250 (annual membership dues) and when your renewal come due February 1, you will only pay balance due above what you used for the previous year based on a true daily pro-rate. However, if you do not pay balance due on February 1, you will forfeit any outstanding credit and your membership will be cancelled.
Example: If you join 60 days before February 1, you pay $250. On February 1 (when all memberships come up for renewal), we will take the 60 days and multiply it times the daily rate $.6849 which comes out to $41.09. You would simply pay the $41.09 and that will cover you for the entire year.
Annual Membership
These memberships will run from February 1, 2025 through January 31, 2026.
One Adult – $250
Spouse – $50
Child #1 – $25
Child #2 – $25
3 or More – Free
There will be prorated memberships available that run from May 1, 2025 until January 31, 2026.
One Adult – $200
Spouse – $40
Child #1 – $20
Child #2 – $20
3 or More – Free
There will be prorated memberships available that run from August 1, 2025 until January 31, 2026.
One Adult – $150
Spouse – $35
Child #1 – $20
Child #2 – $20
3 or More – Free
All fees subject to change!
The motocross track and 1 and 2 day passes
Motorcoss track is not open at this time.
The motocross (MX) track will be open to ride to all SDRA members everyday except Saturday & Sunday. However, the track will only be prepped for Saturday so the condition of the track cannot be guaranteed on the other days.
The cost to ride the MX track on weekends:
Members MX track – Saturday only- $10 or Saturday & Sunday- $15
Nonmember MX track – 1 day pass- $20 or 2 day- $30
Nonmembers – Saturday and Sunday – $30 (Also includes woods trails – Best Deal!)
Woods Trail only pass on weekends: Nonmembers – Saturday only – $20
Nonmembers – Saturday and Sunday – $30
Nonmembers – Saturday and Sunday – $30 (You ride both the MX and trails for 2 days) Best Deal!
MX passes are yellow and must be attached to your handlebars. Woods trails passes are green and also must be attached to handlebars.
Dual 2 day MX and Woods passes will be orange, also attached to handlebars.
All 1 and 2 day pass riders MUST sign all release forms and all minors must be accompanied by an adult. Minors must have release forms with minor and adult signature.
Nonmember can ride any day by getting passes at:
Day passes cannot be purchased through PayPal. However, you can purchase them at:
Graham KTM- 206 Wilson Dr. Senatobia, MS 662-562-8711 (Donnie)
Fletchers Cycle- 2436 Airways Blvd. Memphis, TN 901-743-6948 (Fletcher Lambert)
Southaven Kawasaki Yamaha- 8668 Whitworth Dr. Southaven, MS 662-393-2877 (Mike or Kirk)
Tri-State Motors, LLC- 8365 Hwy 51 N. Southaven, MS 38671 662-449-7500 (Regina or Lindsey)
Cycle Gear- 6343 Summer Ave Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 371-9692 (Blake)
MX track will not be prepped again until further notice. Any member can ride any day ( if it’s ride- able). No MX day passes will be sold, however, anyone with a woods pass can ride MX track. (Again if it’s ride-able). ALSO, THERE WILL NO LONGER BE ANYONE SELLING DAY PASSES SATURDAY ON SITE till further notice.
ALSO, THERE HAS NEVER BEEN NO PROVISION TO BUY DAY PASSES ON ANY OTHER DAY ON SITE. So DO NOT show up and just think it’s ok to ride, because no one is there to sell you a pass. If you are riding without a pass or membership you are trespassing. Also, land owners know that you are supposed to have stickers or day passes to be on their property. Myself and a few others have put a lot into this to try to have a great place to ride for everyone. I believe that all the rules, formalities, and fees are necessary to be able to maintain and keep this property. So please do your part to help this be a great club and a great place to ride.
No “rainouts”, refunds, or credits on 1-2 day passes.
We certainly look forward to working with MMC, of which I also am a member and have tried to help support MMC in the past year. We hope many or all MMC members can join with us. However, there will be no special discounts this year for MMC members.